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Fixed Rate Term Deposit

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Short Term Deposits (GIC)

​Want to earn more on your savings without a long term commitment? Oshawa Community offers Short Term Deposits from 1 to 365 day terms that will earn you more interest than a regular savings account.




  • Short Terms may be purchased for 1 to 365 days

  • Minimum deposit $1000

  • Competitive interest rates (price matching approved by management)

  • Interest calculated daily, deposited annually and paid upon maturity

  • Term automatically renews at maturity date with 10 day grace period change term or to redeem

  • Members with terms 60 days or more will receive a notice when their investment is nearing maturity

  • Members have the option to use any Oshawa Community Term Deposit to secure a loan with us

  • Eligible deposits (not in registered accounts) are insured up to $250,000 through the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA)



Long Term Deposits (GIC)

A Long Term Deposit (GIC) is a fantastic option that allows you choose how much and how long you are comfortable investing for.  The more money and the longer you invest will give you maximum returns that you can’t get with a regular savings account. For those of you who have funds simply sitting in a chequing or savings account yielding little or no interest, this product is right for you. 




  • 1 to 5 year fixed terms available

  • Minimum deposit $1000

  • Competitive interest rates (price matching approved by management)

  • Interest calculated daily, deposited annually and paid upon maturity

  • Term automatically renews at maturity date with 10 day grace period to redeem

  • Members with terms 60 days or more will receive a notice when their investment is nearing maturity

  • Members have the option to use any Oshawa Community Term Deposit  to secure a loan with us

  • Eligible deposits (not in registered accounts) are insured up to $250,000 through the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA)



Become a Member Today


Your deposits are protected.

At Oshawa Community Credit Union, eligible deposits in registered accounts have unlimited coverage through the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA).
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